The slow jam is one of Gods best gifts to mankind. Nothing fits in more scenarios than slow quality music. Spring time its the anthem to new love affairs. Summer time its the Greek chorus to passionate sweaty love making. Fall the slow jams become a way of falling in love unlike any other season. Winter is when the slow jam works best. Freezing cold outside but warm inside your home. Inside your bedroom the smell of fresh lovemaking dampens the air. Fingers and limbs interlocked making a human tangled and satisfied mess.
The perfect slow jam makes any regular and/or dull moment seem all the more better. It can turn the cooking of a meal into a kitchen floor escapade. The perfect slow jam can make a woman getting undressed into an experience no strip club can touch. See I don't want to make love to rap song Mr. T-Pain. I want to show my lady who I am as a man with some Luther or H-Town playing. Every man can attest that as kids we imagined we had superpowers. Watching our favorite hero we always had the theme music in our head. Nothing changes when it comes to being with our woman. The right song can turn mild mannered Clark Kent into a primal Mandingo Superman. See when saving a woman from sexual dissatisfaction you want to more powerful than a locomotive. You want to able to stroke a woman in a single good bound. Now we've talked about the good ways a slow jam can enhance your life. To be fair the perfect slow jam can make you unhappy as well. Hearing Jasmine Sullivan's "In love with another man" still stings as a man who has been cheated on. Ginuwines "Only when you want me" was the soundtrack to my 11th grade year. Anybody who's been cheated on or the cheater has a special CD or play list that does nothing but serve as a remainder.
I say this ode to the perfect slow jam because most of us would not have kids if it wasn't for R.Kelly 12 Play. Most of us would not be here if it was not for El Debarge Love me a special way, Marvin Gaye Distant Lover and some cognac. I say an ode to slow jams because the right play list could make an unworkable situation in college work for some reason. I say an ode to slow jams because I made the paper in the top of the hole cassette tape Quiet Storm mix tapes. I say ode to slow jams because I gave that tape to a special girl in high school who laughed at it. I say ode to slow jams because slow jams can and will always make you smile on the inside & out.
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